Hangtown Green Team 2018

2018 Hangtown Green Team Volunteer Scheduling


The 2018 Green Team Volunteer list was completed and provided to the box office on Monday, October 18th.

If you submitted a request on or before that date your schedule request was approved and you are on the list.

The request form is no longer available for 2018.



Hello Everybody, Welcome Back!

I will be heading up the Green Team efforts again this year for the Hangtown Music Festival from October 25th – 28th at the El Dorado County Fairgrounds in Placerville, CA.

Event information including volunteer opportunities other than on the Green Team is available at: HangtownFestival.com.

Follow the instructions below to volunteer for 2018 Hangtown Green Team.

Thank You!
Bob Hollis


Volunteers are expected to be on duty for 4 hours for each day that they are attending the festival.

Duty is relatively light, and in most cases is located in the Main Stage area where performances can be enjoyed while on your volunteer shift.

There are generally 4 shifts available for each 2-hour time slot, with 20 shifts available for the main field pick-up after the final set each night on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

There are a limited number of shifts on Thursday evening and Monday morning.  If you volunteer for a Thursday or Monday shift you can reduce your volunteer shifts on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.

To request a volunteer shift:

1. Select a date on the calendar and choose at least two 2-hour shifts for each day you will be attending.

2. Enter your contact information and requested shirt cut and size.

3. Enter Questions, Comments, or Special Accommodations Requests

4. Submit the Form

You will be notified of your volunteer shift status via email within 72 hours of submitting your request.

Contact me at Bob.Hollis@MobiusIntelligentSystems.com if you have any questions about how to use this form.

PRIVACY:  Information provided via this page will be used only for Green Team scheduling and will not be provided to any advertiser or third party unless so ordered by a court of law.

By completing and submitting this form you are stating that you are at least 18 years of age and you are acknowledging your understanding that you will be required to sign and return a liability waiver when checking-in upon arrival at the fairgrounds.



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